Posts in category Principles of Faith:
7 min.
30 April 2024
Wishing for Death
Question: Is it permissible to wish for death or to pray for death? Answer: No. Wishing for death or praying for death due to the difficulties and sorrows one is going through is absolutely forbidden. H...
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25 March 2024
Ahadiyah and Wahidiyah
Question: Could you please explain the concepts of "Ahadiyah" and "Wahidiyah"?
Answer: Both "Ahad" and "Wahid" mean "one" or "unity." As you noticed, the term "unity" has two related yet d...
Read MoreAnswer: Both "Ahad" and "Wahid" mean "one" or "unity." As you noticed, the term "unity" has two related yet d...
5 min.
21 March 2024
Does God Love me?
Question: How can we be so sure that Allah loves us? Does Allah love every living being, or why would He love us? Answer: We are certain of Allah's love because there are verses and authentic hadiths on this ...
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19 March 2024
Someone Raised Without Religious Values, How Should They Behave and Develop Themselves to Approach Allah?
Question: What steps should a person who has been raised without religious values since childhood take to develop themselves at this age? What are the necessary steps to get closer to Allah and live their religion better and more accurately? Answer:
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15 February 2024
Can a Person Have Faith and Still Commit Major Sins?
Question: Can a person have faith and still commit major sins? If a believer has committed major sins, what steps can they take to regain Allah's love and to be forgiven? Answer: Do not consider the prevalent sins of this era as the major sins ...
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15 February 2024
Faith in the Last Breath
Question: Can someone live a faithful life throughout their life but lose faith in the last breath? I remember reading something about living a faithful life until the end and then losing faith in the last breath. Is faith...