Can a Person Have Faith and Still Commit Major Sins?
Question: Can a person have faith and still commit major sins? If a believer has committed major sins, what steps can they take to regain Allah's love and to be forgiven?
Answer: Do not consider the prevalent sins of this era as the major sins narrated in the old scriptures. Even if you drink alcohol or commit other sins that may be viewed as different or worse, personal sins should not lead you to despair.
We are not trying to say, "These are not important sins". Quitting these sins in this era is more challenging than in previous centuries. Waiting for suitable conditions and repenting one day is not the way to get rid of these sins. A person who has committed major sins should consider these sins as a kind of addiction, like smoking. To clarify, smoking is a dirty and harmful thing that should be abandoned, but it does not prevent one from doing anything good. If a person who has committed major sins patiently continues the following five steps, with the permission of Allah, they will be freed from these sins:
1-) Never see yourself as lacking in any aspect, do not feel worthless, and do not fall into despair. Do not be negative. Just because you are addicted to some sins, do not feel distant from Allah and His mercy. Do not depress yourself. If you sincerely want to get rid of this flaw, the door is wide open for you, never forget this.
2-) If you cannot quit the sin you want to get rid of at once, do not let your inability make you desperate. On the contrary, try to do righteous deeds as much as you can. If you cannot pray five times a day, you may pray two times. If you cannot fast for thirty days, you may fast for ten days. Continue to perform deeds like praying, reading the Quran, and listening to sermons without falling into despair. Remember that half of something is better than nothing.
3-) The environment is of crucial importance. Even if it does not happen suddenly, gradually increase your friendship with righteous people, and try to weaken your connection with people or environments that lead you to sin. Consider moving, consider changing your job. Most of what a person does is the result of their environment.
4-) Keep asking for forgiveness in your prayers and from the bottom of your heart continuously. Even when committing a sin, say, "O Allah, forgive me!" When you have free time, say, "My Lord, please do not punish me! I fear Your punishment; forgive me." In other words, constantly seek forgiveness from Allah.
5-) Support preaching activities as much as possible. This is the most beloved deed to Allah. Allah is more pleased with a wicked person supporting or endorsing religion than a righteous person worshiping on their own. Preaching serves as a means of forgiveness for the greatest sins and is the ladder to the greatest blessings.
Note: By sins, we are referring to sins based on personal weaknesses. Some sins directly hinder guidance and forgiveness. If we have such sins, we should quit them immediately. These sins hinder the acceptance of righteous deeds and prayers. The sins that hinder guidance and forgiveness are as follows:
1-) Hostility towards those who preach and obstructing preaching activities.
2-) Deliberately using religious values for sinful purposes, such as using preaching to exploit women.
3-) Intentionally deceiving people to gain unlawfully, especially consuming public or charitable property.
4-) Being so arrogant as to reject advice and oppose counsel. Constantly condemning people. Feeling, "I am already saved," or "I am valuable and better than everyone else."